There’s no doubt that the ACNH Kidcore Island is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Bahamas. With its stunning views and plenty of activities to keep kids entertained, it’s no wonder that so many people are looking for ideas on how to make their own island paradise. Here are 25 of the best ideas for creating an ACNH Kidcore Island:

  1. Start with a basic design: This is probably the simplest idea, and it can be done in a few hours with some supplies and some creativity. All you need is a piece of land, some trees, and some rocks. You can then add any features you want, such as a beach or pool.
  2. Add a theme: If you want to create an island that celebrates music, then go for it! You could add songs from different genres or even create your own tracks. Just be sure to credit the ACNHKidcoreIsland website when you’re done!
  3. Use natural materials: If you want to create an island that feels like it was made out of nature itself, use natural materials such as wood or bamboo. You can also use earthworms or other small creatures to help with construction!
  4. Get creative with color: If you want your island to feel like it’s right out of a children’s book, try using bright colors and patterns throughout your design. This will help make your island stand out from all the others on the island!
  5. Use recycled materials: If you have any resources left over after building your own ACNH Kidcore Island, don’t forget about using them! You could use old furniture or even old tires to create a unique look for your island!
  6. Get creative with architecture: If you want something really unique and special for your island, consider designing it using architecture instead of just rocks and trees! You could get creative and build something completely customisable (or at least adaptable

To sum up the kidcore aesthetic, it’s basically any idea or design that would appeal to young children (or at least look like their playroom!)

We’re talking about arts & crafts stuff, roller coasters, rainbows, teddy bears, and just about anything else that you would’ve loved at 10 years old.

With so many different aspects to kidcore, it can be difficult to even pick a starting point for your island.

Well here’s a bunch of the most fun and playful kidcore ideas for New Horizons that are sure to bring out your inner child.

25. Rainbow Bridge

This is a simple idea that can really add something special to your island.

While it’s not an official island bridge, nor is it comparable to Asgard’s rainbow bridge, it can be a fun way to connect two island areas.

Simply leave a strip of land across a river and lay down some rainbow custom pathways.

I do like the use of a bunny day arch and fencing to heighten the bridge beyond a simple strip of land, so I would definitely stock up on eggs.

24. Garden Picnic

Kidcore doesn’t always need to be super flashy.

If you like more muted colors but still want to give it a try, then perhaps just design a fun picnic.

Pick your favorite villager and lay down some custom designs for a picnic blanket outside their house.

Include food items like a picnic basket, or even a birthday cake. We’ve got plenty of picnic ideas to help out here.

Then just decorate the yard with flowers and toys and everything kidcore.

Purchase items like an elephant slide or a baby bear, and craft a rocking horse so that playtime can begin.

23. Block Toy Playroom

Kidcore ideas often make great use of wooden block furniture, primarily customized to either pastel or colorful patterns.

So for this design you can craft the wooden block table, chair, and bookshelf from a wooden block toy and some softwood.

You can even craft a tire stack and customize it to match these bright colors for playtime.

What makes this particular design stand out to me is that this player took the time to create toy block designs for every single letter and lay them all on the floor.

It even matches the study poster on the wall!

That’s commitment.

22. Colorful Playground

In some ways, creating a kidcore playground is not the most innovative idea… but I do feel that it’s worth mentioning.

This simple idea can serve anyone who wants to ease into the kidcore aesthetic.

To start, create some colorful custom paths and even chalk drawings like hopscotch. I personally love my island’s hopscotch board.

Then purchase plenty of playground pieces like playground gyms, springy ride-ons, elephant slides, and tricycles.

I would also recommend a sandbox, because sandboxes are cool.

Then craft a couple of wooden block benches from some softwood so that the parents can watch their kids enjoy your new playground.

21. Mini Gas Station

Kids don’t pump gas into the cars they don’t have.

So this clearly makes for a cool island idea.

Start out by setting up a convenience store area with some colorful custom simple panels and pathways.

Then add a lecture hall desk and desktop computer. In addition, purchase snack and drink machines for some munchies, and a few public benches for seating.

You then want to setup your pumps by purchasing retro gas pumps and throwback race car beds.

Now it’s time to play pretend and fill ‘er up!

20. Frog Pond

Kidcore designs can also play around with fun bodies of water, such as this frog-shaped pond.

To make this yourself, you’ll want to start by doing waterscaping to make this frog pond – and leave small islands for the eyes, cheeks, and mouth.

Then lay down some colorful paths around the pond.

I like that this player made two paths here. The outer path is a rainbow sidewalk, while the inner path is a rainbow train track with some throwback container train cars.

And don’t forget the custom heart designs on the frog’s cheeks, because that’s just adorable!

19. School Play

A big part of being a kid is spending plenty of time in elementary and preschool.

So why not put on a school play?

To make this area on your own island, start by laying down some custom board paths and setting up simple panels with custom curtain patterns.

Set up some custom rainbow picnic blankets and cushions for all the kiddos to sit on while they watch.

Be sure to buy and craft all the stage decorations like large and small mushroom platforms, tree and grass standees, and springy ride-ons.

Once you buy Princess Peach’s dress and a scale armor suit, your actors can get dressed and put on the performance of a lifetime.

18. Mira’s Comic Book Shop

I’m an avid comic book fan as both a reader and a writer.

And Mira is the perfect villager to have a comic book stand in their yard.

To make this, setup a couple of stalls, then customize them to have a fun and colorful pattern. And make sure to display stacks of comic magazines on the counters.

Then lay down some colorful custom paths and craft some colorful wooden block tables and chairs for Mira’s readers.

As a comic book writer, I very much appreciate the desk area in the back with a cartoonist’s set. A great spot for writing the next exciting issue!

17. School Cafeteria

Ah, the fond memories of eating lunch in school cafeterias.

The food may not have been the best. But this school cafeteria idea sure is!

Make it yourself by setting up some stalls of various vibrant colors.

Then purchase all of the food you’ll be serving, such as soup kettles, rice cookers, pop-up toasters, and New Year’s Noodles.

Also be sure to purchase drink machines, and candy/snack machines. That way the kids can enjoy a treat.

Once you craft wooden block tables and chairs, all the children can sit down and enjoy their lunch!

16. Gummy Bear Village

While you don’t get gummy bears in Animal Crossing, the thought of a small village like this is hilarious and adorable.

To make this simple creation, I would start by doing some landscaping and make a few small cliffs.

Next, purchase dollhouses in a plethora of colors and set them up all around your cliffs.

Then lay down some custom rainbow pathways to surround your village. Now the gummy bears can move in!

15. Imagination Treehouse

I had a treehouse as a kid.

I never went in it. But I had it, nevertheless.

If you want to relive your days of playing in a treehouse, then this is the idea is worth the time to build.

Start out by landscaping your island make the “upper level” of your treehouse.

Be sure to include some trees here too. They’re kind of essential for a treehouse to exist.

Then customize plenty of simple panels to look like your beautiful treehouse walls.

If you purchase a loft bed with desk, you can set it up in front to act as the ladder that leads to your imagination station.

14. Ice Cream Truck

I’ve seen plenty of ideas for ice cream stands. But this is the first time I’ve seen someone create an actual ice cream truck in Animal Crossing.

For this idea, you’ll need to create the ice cream truck by crafting some stalls and customizing some simple panels.

Place your simple panels in between two stalls to display all the summertime treats you’ll be selling.

Then include a diner sofa for the front of the truck, and craft a wooden block bench for some outdoor seating.

Adding some soft serve lamps adds a nice touch. Because the more ice cream, the better!

13. Kidcore in a Candy Store

Candy stores are another idea that I’ve seen done time and time again. And kidcore is the perfect theme to use in this sweet shop idea.

Build this yourself by laying down some colorful custom tiles.

I do like the use of the light blue and pink here, because it gives the space a cotton candy feel.

Be sure to customize plenty of simple panels to proudly display your sugary inventory.

Then purchase plenty of den desks to display some more confectionary items, such as spooky candy sets, stand mixers, and analog kitchen scales.

While you surely have the freedom to use whatever furniture you wish, I do think the Kiki and Lala sofas and tables work nicely in this build.

12. Super Mario Playground

The addition of Super Mario items in ACNH opens up a ton of possibilities for kidcore ideas.

I mean, pretty much all Mario stuff fits perfectly among other toys.

You can set up your very own Mario playground however you wish, but there are some factors about this design that make it stand out.

I like that this player set up a few different custom train tracks that loop around various Mario items.

They loop around blocks, thwomps, floating blocks, shells, coins, stars, and just about everything else Mario.

I also like the chalk drawings and hopscotch board that tie in the design to that true kidcore aesthetic.

11. Tiny Toy Town

If you had a vivid imagination playing with your toys as a kid, then you probably wanted somewhere special for your toys to live.

Maybe like this little toy town!

For this idea you’ll want to set up multiple levels of elevation to create more a dynamic scene.

Then customize some simple panels to look like you vibrantly colored town buildings.

You can also set up some loft beds with desks to act as rooftops and fire escapes.

Lay down customized rainbow paths to weave throughout your town, and that’s pretty much it.

You could even purchase some dollhouses for the smaller toys to stay in.

10. Fire Flower Garden

Getting back to the subject of Super Mario, one of the most recognizable power-ups in all of video gaming has to be the fire flower.

You can set them up in a fun garden just like this design here, which also incorporates some kidcore elements.

To start, lay down some rows of dirt paths. This is where you’ll want to “plant” your fire flowers.

You’ll also want to lay down some other custom designs like rainbows, flowers, and colorful paths to give it that kidcore feel.

I like the addition of a small mushroom platform and balloon too.

Just a couple little decorations that give the scene more life.

9. Rainbow Market

Many people have created market designs for their islands.

So why not make a kidcore market?

For this idea, start out by setting up some custom colored pathways. I like the alternating rectangle and circle patterns this player made with their paths.

Along your main strip, place many colorful stalls so you can set up your vast array of vendors.

On the stalls, set up a bunch of stand with record boxes, biotope planters, candy machines, toy boxes, or even golf bags. Whatever you like!

And don’t forget to spend some Nook Miles on public benches so your market patrons have a place to rest.

8. Colorful Canal

I’ve found some amazing ideas that people have made on their islands. And most of these are ideas that I never would have thought about myself.

Creating a rainbow canal is definitely one of those ideas.

Step one for making this yourself is simply doing some waterscaping to set up a decent sized river.

You definitely want to keep the river as straight as possible here.

Then save up so you can place multiple bridges across the river. This person has at least three, so this will be a costly endeavor.

On the sides, lay down your favorite colorful custom path.

Then craft some wooden block benches and buy some drink machines so everyone can sit and relax by the water.

7. Woodshop Class

If you’re good at working with your hands, then woodshop was most likely one of your favorite school subjects.

Let’s bring that over into the Animal Crossing world with this outdoor woodshop design (featuring a kidcore aesthetic, of course).

Start with setting up the floor. I like how this player uses terra cotta tiles with a custom rainbow border.

Then craft plenty of bookshelves, and buy some chalkboards to set up in the background.

Next you’ll want to set up everybody’s workstations.

Each station needs a tool cart and folding floor lamp – easy enough.

Then, top each tool cart with regular toolboxes and wooden toolboxes.

And to finish this idea, you’ll want to craft everyone’s projects for them!

Wooden ducks, rocking horses, and birdhouses all make for great woodshop projects that deserve an A+.

6. Bathhouse and Laundromat

Here’s another idea that I never would have thought about making in a million years – which makes me love it all the more!

Set up two small outdoor areas with some custom designed flooring.

In one area place plenty of automatic washers, and in the other, you’ll want some cypress baths.

The part that really emphasizes the kidcore theme is all the custom designs here.

There are custom simple panels that advertise for both the laundry and bathhouse, fun school designs on the ground, and even some colorful standees that look like windows.

This shows just how much effort really went into this design.

5. Holiday Town Square

Christmas always makes for a stunning scene.

So adding some rainbows to the holidays can be even more gorgeous!

I would start this design by laying down custom pathways in front of Nook’s Cranny.

While you definitely can set up the paths as you wish, the heart shapes that this player made really enhance the fun.

In the middle you’ll want to place an illuminated tree that’s customized to the awesome rainbow pattern.

Then craft some iron garden benches to set up around the tree. And now the festivities can begin!

4. Kid’s Birthday Party

One of the best parts about being a kid is all the fun birthday parties.

I’ll be turning 25 soon, and I’ll be lucky if I get any presents.

But we can re-live that fun in ACNH, and this party idea is perfect. To start off you’ll want to craft some wooden block dressers, and a stereo to crank up the party music.

If you got a birthday table on your birthday, be sure to set it up for the guest of honor (in this case, Stitches, who I highly recommend).

I like the wooden tables that have been customized to have a jigsaw puzzle pattern too. It helps give it that kidcore feel.

You also can’t forget the party flooring here, because well, it’s a party!

3. Ketchup’s Tomato Patch

Ketchup is easily one of the most popular villagers.

Hey, I even had her on my island for a while.

Her adorable head is literally a tomato, so a kiddy tomato patch is the perfect design for her yard.

Start this design by laying down some rows of a dirt path. This is where you can grow your crops, which are represented by tree’s bounty lamps, mush partitions, and apples.

Between your crop sections you’ll want to lay down some colorful custom pathways too.

Then finish it off with some fun craftable items like a doghouse and silo. Now the tomatoes can just grow, grow, grow!

2. Outdoor Preschool Classroom

I spent about a year working with kids in preschool. So this design feels right at home for me.

To make your own outdoor preschool area, start by setting up custom simple panels that look like windows, cubbies, and walls.

Then craft some wooden block furniture like dressers, and especially bookshelves.

I love the custom alphabet block patterns on the ground. It just adds something special to the scene.

And take notes here: you’ll absolutely want to purchase some public benches for all the kiddos to sit on.

Then the learning fun can being!

1. Roller Coaster Ride

I’ve previously said that I would be impressed if someone created a roller coaster for their island.

Well, it has been done. Snd I commend it.

With a design this dynamic, it can be difficult to figure out where to start.

I would start by doing some landscaping and setting up plenty of cliffs. Add inclines where you’ll want to go up and down for some exciting coaster hills.

Next, lay down plenty of custom paths to act as the colorful roller coaster track.

And don’t forget to set up your coaster cars by crafting a clacker cart and purchasing some floor seats.

But this is a kidcore list. You don’t want to have a plain coaster.

So deck out the scene with plenty of toy boxes, playground gyms, and other custom paths to create the ride of a lifetime!