Final Fantasy VI is a game that has been around for over 20 years, and it’s still one of the most popular entries in the series. That popularity means that there are plenty of things to find and steal in this game, whether it’s items or weapons. Here are five of the best steals in Final Fantasy VI:

  1. The Elixir - This item is found early on in the game, and it’s a very important part of your arsenal. If you can get your hands on an Elixir, you’ll be able to heal yourself and your allies quickly and easily.
  2. The Phoenix Down - This item is also found early on in the game, and it’s a very important part of your arsenal. If you’re injured or take damage, using a Phoenix Down will heal you completely.
  3. The Gold Sword - This sword is one of the most powerful weapons in the game, and it can be difficult to find. However, if you’re persistent enough, you’ll be able to find this sword at some point during your playthrough.
  4. The Ribbon - This item is found later on in the game, and it’s essential for completing certain tasks. If you can get your hands on a Ribbon, you’ll be able to save time by not having to go through certain areas again later on in the game.
  5. The Black Belt - This belt is also found later on in the game, and it allows you to use more powerful attacks than normal characters do. If you can get your hands on this belt, make sure to use it often! ..

But don’t fall into this trap! Get into the habit of stealing every chance you can, in every encounter.

He can obtain some amazing items for your team. Some that may even be considered pretty essential.

And for this list I’ll be ranking some of the most important items worth stealing in the whole game!

But before we dive in, I quickly want to share the equations for Locke’s Steal ability.

Every enemy potentially has two Items to be stolen: a common item, and a rare item. The rare item has a 1 in 8 chance of being stolen (12.5%).

The math to work out Locke’s steal chance overall is: success Rate = (50 + Locke’s Level – Target’s Level)/128.

This essentially means that the higher you level up Locke, the better the chance of a successful steal.

8. Megalixer

Let’s start off this list with the Megalixer.

This item can be an absolute god-send in tight situations, as it’s an instant full party refresher.

Magic is really important deeper into FF6. And in many boss battles (and even against some enemies) you may blast through your MP trying to defeat your opponents as quickly as possible.

And then suddenly realize you need to heal, but you don’t have enough Mp remaining for a full Curaga…

This is where the Megalixers are handy. Just a one-use item to get full HP and MP for all.

It may take a while to farm them, but these will be items essential on your journey.

Stolen from: Land Ray, which you’ll find on the Solitary Island and the Southern Continent, but be quick. They have 1Hp and have the Sap status. Stop will be your best friend here!

7. Muscle Belt

The Muscle Belt is great when going into a fight where you just need that little bit of extra staying power.

If you’re starting to face some of the more powerful enemies when grinding, you may be finding it a struggle to keep your party alive.

This helps deal with that little problem.

Certain spells like Ultima and Meteor bypass defenses, so your defensive buffs will be ineffective. But 50% extra HP may just see you through!

Stolen from: Glasya Labolas. These are located on Mt ZoZo, and they can be pretty dangerous. So you might want to Steal the item and then scram as quickly as possible.

6. Minerva Bustier

While this is only meant for Terra and Celes, this should be considered an essential item for them both.

It nullifies Fire, Ice, Wind, and Lightning attacks, and grants resistance to Earth, Poison, Water, and Holy!

It also boosts Strength, Speed, and Magic. And as stated, it boosts up maximum MP as well!

Knowing all this, it should be a priority to obtain two for your party.

Stolen from: Tonberries! These are a Monster in a Box located in the Yeti’s Cave. After the encounter you’ll be able to find Tonberries on the Veldt! However, it’s important to bear in mind these are level 99, so Locke will need to be at least level 50 to stand a chance.

5. Genji Glove

Ah, the Genji Glove. What a Relic!

While Magic will be your main go-to, there will be times where being able to use two weapons and making multiple attacks will be just what the doctor ordered.

Locke can use this to great effect for his steals by having two Thief’s Knives equipped, increasing his chances to steal.

Or maybe try out the famous Genji Glove combined with the Master’s Scroll.

8 attacks? Yes please!

Stolen from: The Dragons on the Floating continent aren’t just sources of high EXP – keep stealing and you’ll have more of this Relic than you know what to do with!

4. Ribbon

We all know the Ribbon by now.

And we all know not to leave home without it!

With this equipped, you won’t have to fear combat with any enemy that inflicts negative statuses on your party.

Especially ones such as Chaos Dragon, who can use Disaster to inflict numerous status effects upon the party all at once!

Stolen from: Guardian and Ultima Weapon, but realistically you’ll most likely farm these from Brachiosaur when you get to Dinosaur Forest in the World of Ruin.

3. Ultima Weapon

As one of the mightiest weapons in the game, this has the potential to deal devastating damage.

However, you’ll need to have your HP at max to bring out its full potential.

Now you could be plotting the best defensive builds here, or you could decide to have a dedicated healer for the wielder – especially since stealing this one means you’d have two of them.

Imagine that: equipping a Genji Glove and dual wielding these bad boys. The bosses may as well not show up!

Stolen from: Rest!

2. Ragnarok

Ragnarok is straight-up one of the most powerful weapons you can get.

Or if you chose the Magicite instead of this weapon, now’s your chance to get your grubby little mitts on one for your party.

Boasting titanic attack power, as well as solid stat boosts, this is one weapon you can’t get enough of.

Additionally, you can always bet it in the Dragon’s Neck Coliseum to get the Lightbringer, or a second Ragnarok if you already have one.

Stolen from: Lady! Not an easy opponent at the best of times, but you know that after getting this weapon, all future fights will be much easier.

1. Celestriad

If there’s any item you want to have for every character, it’s this.

Magic becomes super important late game.

And the spells that are essential, such as Firaga and Thundaga, have high tolls of well over 50 MP.

Ultima alone costs 80 MP!

But this tasty little number, however, makes all spells cost 1 MP.

That’s potentially an entire party of 4, casting Ultima each turn, and never worrying about managing their MP reserves in case they need quick dose of Curaga.

But no worries, cause you’ve got the Celestriad!

Stolen from: Galypdes. You can find these in the Phoenix Cave and also in the Dragon Neck Coliseum. No matter how long it takes, it is always worth getting a full set of these!