DSC is a powerful tool that can be used to manage your computer systems. It can help you keep track of your system’s performance, security, and configuration. DSC can also be used to automate tasks on your computer.

Have you ever thought about trying out DSC but felt like the learning curve is too steep? Or perhaps you never saw yourself ever using it in production, so you didn’t bother?

Using DSC doesn’t have to be hard or complex, and you don’t need a gigantic infrastructure to make it worthwhile. This article is going to talk about DSC and how to take the first steps, and it includes examples of how you can get started by applying it in small scale into production.

What Is DSC?

Desired State Configuration (DSC) is a configuration management system that is built into Windows and enables you to configure your system As Code. It uses a configuration written in PowerShell that is later on converted to a Managed Object Format (MOF).

The MOF file is later read and applied by the Local Configuration Manager Service on the target node (computer).

The configuration that’s created and ran uses different DSC resources from DSC Modules. DSC Modules are like a regular PowerShell Module, and the resources are its functions. For example, you can install them using Install-Module, and they are stored under in the PSModulePath.

What Can I Use DSC for?

The hardest part about DSC for many is to find use cases for it. People tend to talk and write about DSC only when it comes to orchestrating and spinning up large environments, or test and QA for different apps, which is a far away topic for many admins.

We can use DSC for our everyday routines and a lot more, without having to restructure our entire organization. I compiled a list of a few areas that you can either fully or partly automate with DSC:

Base configuration of new servers Managing servers not joined to the domain Management of Windows Defender settings Patch management Compliance and baseline reporting Installation of software on servers and computers

Example: Reading and Writing a DSC configuration

A few lines of DSC can be equal to hundreds of lines with raw PowerShell, that’s why it can be so incredibly powerful.

A DSC configuration consists mainly of 2 parts: The DSC configuration and the configuration data.

The configuration data (explained further down) can either be included externally, usually from a PSD file, or included in the configuration file. The recommended and most maintainable approach is to include this from a separate file.

Following is an example of how to create a DSC MOF that downloads and installs a generic MSI when applied:

After running this code, it creates a Configuration Function in the current PowerShell session that can be used. It creates a subfolder with the same name as the configuration where it saves the generated MOF files:

You can apply all DSC configurations in the MyDSCConfiguration folder to their host by running:

Using DSC with ConfigurationData

Configuration Data contains configuration data for the DSC configuration. The information includes a node name (computer name), and can contain other data like information about how to install an MSI package or registry key values, etc. This gives us a dynamic and more versatile approach to DSC, so that it can be reused and easily modified.

Let’s say that you have these three servers that each need a unique combination of packages:

fileserver-1 Needs: BackupAgent database-1 Needs: BackupAgent, BackupAgent-DatabaseAddon appserver-1 Needs: BackupAgent, MonitoringAgent

The best approach is to create a file with the configuration data that you need instead, not only specifying the nodes (servers), but also adding a list of packages into it:

You can now use this Configuration Data file to dynamically generate DSC configurations for your servers:

If you run this, the DSC function generates a MOF file for each of your servers that can be used to install the packages you defined in the ConfigurationData.psd1 file:

If you want to add new packages, modify your ConfigurationData.psd1 file and run the previous code one more time.


It can be a pretty short and steep learning curve to get started with DSC. But the hardest part for many is to find use cases where they can use it.

Using the previous method that utilizes HTTP (or HTTPS) to fetch packages gives you a versatile way to distribute software to your servers. And because it’s HTTPS, it’s easier to expose as well, and you can use it to manage Software in DMZ and other less-trusted networks.

In addition, using configuration data instead of hard coding everything into your DSC configurations gives you a much more easily maintained approach. You can even generate this configuration data from external sources such as CSV, SQL, Sharepoint and everything else that can be read with PowerShell.

I hope that you got some ideas for your environment to start making your daily tasks easier with DSC.