Google is phasing out its paginated search results in favor of a “cards” interface. This change will take effect on August 1st, 2019. The new interface gives users more control over how much information they see at a time. You can now scroll through the cards or click on one to jump to its details. This change is part of Google’s effort to make its search results more personalized and relevant to you. The company says that it has found that people are more likely to find what they’re looking for when they can see it right away rather than having to page through long lists of results. Some people may find the new interface easier to use than the old paginated search results, but others may not be as happy about it. If you’re unhappy with the change, you can switch back to the old interface by going to Settings > Search and clicking on “Advanced settings.” ..

Google’s iconic page picker has been a staple feature ever since the search engine was first launched in 1998. But now, it’s going away, as Google is implementing a new infinite scrolling feature on its search results on the desktop to see more results.

Our phones have had infinite scrolling on Google search results for a long time, but on the web, we instead had a page picker at the bottom. That’s being removed entirely now — if you reach the bottom of your Google search results, you’ll soon instead see a loading icon, and what’s supposed to be the next page will show up below. So now, if you can’t find what you’re looking for on the first few page results, you just need to keep scrolling down until you find it rather than having to seek through multiple pages of results.

While infinite scrolling makes way more sense from a UX standpoint, there was still a nostalgic element to seeing the “Goooooooooogle” page picker at the bottom and clicking one of the o letters to get to the page you’re looking for. But this change is probably for the better, seeing how the alternative was to manually load pages of results one at a time.

The change isn’t live on our end just yet, but it should just be a matter of time before it’s here for everyone.

Source: Search Engine Land